Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Book Tag

I was tagged by DeAnn to play Book Tag. Since I am a book geek and an English teacher I thought, "why the heck not" so here we go.

a) pick up nearest book
b) turn to page 123
c) find 5th sentence
d) post the 5th sentence
e) tag 5 (or more) people

Here it is:

Nearest Book: Bless Me, Ulitma by Rudolfo Anaya

Page 123, 5th Sentence

“'Perhaps it is true the Luna's blood will win out in the end,' he said, 'perhaps it is better that way-'”

I now tag- Marie, Mandy, Hilary, Adam, and Lindz

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Mormon Scientist: The life and faith of Henry Eyring

"Planck himself says [a great German physicist] that 'God existed before there were human beings on the earth, and that he holds the world, beleivers as well as disbelievers, in his omnipotent hands, since the beginning of eternity, and that he will continue to rule from his heights inaccessible to human imagination long after the earth and everything on it will have crumbled to dust.'"

No mention of blood, but still something worth thinking about. Thanks, Nat!