Saturday, May 10, 2008

Saving Second Base, one step at a time

Today was an amazing day. To start of my training for the 3 Day I participated in the Komen Race for the Cure in Salt Lake this morning. This was the first time I was actually able to participate. No mono, no wrecked knee, and no national rugby championships and I was over whelmed.

It is amazing what people can do when they work together for a cause. This morning I was part of 17,000 runners, walkers, and riders all working and coming together because someone we knew had be affected by breast cancer. There were many times as I ran amidst the group that I was moved to tears. I saw daughters pushing their mom's wheel chairs, I saw families walking in remembrance of two or three family members, then there were the pink shirts indicating that someone was a survivor. I was overcome with emotions so many times throughout the day, but it hit me when my brother-in-law pointed out a shirt that said, "No one should have to grow up without a mom." Right then I knew why I was there and why I am raising money and willing to walk 60 miles in Atlanta this fall, there needs to be a cure. My nieces shouldn't have to worry about this and if I can help eradicate this disease from this planet then I am going to do it. No one should have to worry. It is a scary thing, so I am picking up my running shoes and doing my part to stamp out this horrible disease. So I am asking all of you, to please help. Even if you can only afford 5.00, it will help. So please check out the link here, and if you know anyone else who is willing to help us fight this, let them know what we are doing.

I did clock my best time today, coming in at about 42-43 minutes (since there were so many people I wasnt able to start right when everyone else is so this is based on where I was on my play list). I had it paced that I would cross during the "Doctor Who" theme song (yes, I am a nerd) and I really picked up the pace when the song right before it, "Love Don't Roam" came on. But I hit my goal and I was so proud of myself. By the end of the year I hope to have that time down to 39 minutes.

Would any pic spam be complete without a picture of Lu?

Adam and I ready to run, yeah he is more of a runner than I am

Mom, Hilary, and Lu crossing the finish line. I was so proud of the three of them. Mom has lupus, one kidney and a foot that she can't walk much on and she did this. Hils is 5 months pregnant, and Lu is three- they all finished this race.

Boston also completed his first 5K today!


Hill said...

I want the pic of us finishing and of lu!

Oh and get this...this is how fast this pregnancy is I am actually almost 7 months prego about 6.5 to be exact. Yup you think about it this girl is coming really really soon!

(Better start knitting faster!)

Natalie said...

You are that far along???? *is stunned*

Hayden's sweater will be done this month you silly girl. I am a master baby sweater knitter now.