Here it is, the moment you have all been waiting for (well, the moment two of you have been waiting for) my thoughts on Doctor Who Season 4.
I actually have no idea how to start this. When I would get all fangirly about West Wing I would blog after each episode, this time though there have already been 8 episodes (counting the Christmas Special) and though in the future I will probably talk about each episode at a time, I think for this one I am going to give an over all feeling or impressions.
Now, if you actually watch this show (and I believe that everyone should watch this show, just call me Martha Jones spreading the message of the Doctor- one person at a time) and have not yet seen season 4 know that there are going to be spoilers. I’d hate to ruin this for anyone.
I have loved this season so far, it is rivaling season 2 for me and depending on the outcome might have to be tied for a firm second with season 1. There are so many things that I am loving about this season, so I present them below in no particular order:
1- Donna Noble. Okay, I have to say it and admit that I was wrong. I love Donna. I was worried when they announced she was going to be the new companion. After her stint in ‘Runaway Bride’ I never wanted to see her again. She was annoying, and loud, and annoying, and did I mention annoying. Imagine my surprise when I found myself actually liking her. She has replaced Martha on my list (though she will never replace Rose). The relationship she has established with the Doctor is so great. I love how she makes him talk about things, like Rose or how he can’t be god with his decisions. She treats him like a sibling, a friend. And I just adore her. Of course because I have subtitled this season, “No Happy Endings” I am worried that she is going to die or something is going to happen to her. Which sucks.
2- The stories. I have enjoyed every episode. Not in a ‘okay, that was good’ way like I did the first half of season 3, more of- ‘oh my gosh these are brilliant, can we have more please.’
3- The references to past seasons. This has been so much fun and something they could finally do in with season 4. They have built an audience now who has been faithfully watching for 4 years, so they can make reference back to something in Season 1 or 2 and people will get it. I admit I had to pause the recording and laugh hysterically when the Doctor said, “Are you my mummy?” The other shoutouts have been just as memorable and fun.
4- Rose. I flailed when she was in episode one. Freaked out, couldn’t talk, gesticulated with my hands trying to express my excitement. The other moments that she has appeared in or been referenced have been equally exciting. I am holding my breath for the June night when she will return for the final three episodes, but my heart is a little worried too- remember this is the season of “no happy endings,” and I don’t know if I can make it through another ‘Doomsday.’
5- Watching them with the fam. We are all hooked now. It is what we do on Sunday nights, and watching them together then trying to figure out what will happen has been one of the highlights of the season.
6- David Tennant. Okay, yes I know I am head over heels infatuated with this man (he is the only man I know that looks good in a velvet suit) but he is an incredible actor. I am blown away every time, he just keeps getting better and better.
I would post all my emails to Heather about each episode here, but that would probably be over kill. As the season winds down though, and as my favorite writer is taking center stage for two week, oh and let’s not forget the return of Rose, Jack, Mickey, and Jackie expect more squeeing, sobbing, and gabbing about my favorite TV show.
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