Not so very long ago there was a girl who felt stuck in her life. She had a decent job, a great apartment, a wonderful family, and great friends. Something just felt off though. After a lot of late night chats, soul searching, and pondering she made the decision to go back to school and get her masters degree and teaching certificate. She was scared. Worried that she would fail. But this girl had the best support system in the world. She had her family who always believed in her. Her friends (both in Utah and online) who held her hand when she was ready to throw in the towel and pushed her to write one more paper or finish one more presentation. She had the best coworkers any person could ever ask for who would listen to her cry about an assignment or the way a class had behaved, who gave her the time off she needed and who gave her a place to bring the treats she was endlessly baking to combat the stress. She had a trainer who pushed her to work harder and showed her that there were better ways to take out stress then diving into a carton of ice cream. And she had a wonderful school to work with where they accepted her as a family and did everything they could to show her the potential that she carried.
Well, yesterday this girl graduated with her masters and the mega watt grin she wore the second she woke up that morning never left her face.
So to all of you who helped me get to this day. Thank you. I couldn't have done it without anyone of you. You have stood by me every step of the way and I appreciate it so much.
Now without further ado- Graduation Pic Spam!

With my class. I dont know where my little purple thing went. It wasn't in my packet on Friday night so I went without. Of course my hood wouldnt stay properly on either. Oh well. Aren't we the proud bunch of graduates?

With Alie I would not have made it through this program without her. She kept me sane the last nine months or so and added the need voice of reason that our group needed.
I wish I had pictures with my parents and grandma to post her. But they are all on my dad's camera. so let's go to the Party!!!!
My parents went all out assuming the world was coming. I kept trying to tell them that despite the number of invites and announcements I sent out there would not be any there. We had about 40 people which was good enough for me. Of course my dad made an excellent observation last night when we cleaning up, "We are just lucky all her internet friends didn't come, then we really would have gone through all the food."
With my parents best friends.

Not sure why we kept taking pictures in front of the garage. *shrugs*

With my friend Mandy and her son!

With the infamous Katie and Jason- two of the best friends a girl could ever ask for.

With Ruthie, my cooperating teacher. She has been amazing.

With Gayle. This is the woman who gave me the push I needed to become a teacher. She is amazing and has made an impact in my life since I was a 14 year old freshman sitting in her English class.

With my adopted family. I adore these guys.
So there you have it. Wish I had the pictures with my parents, or one with the chocolate lei some of my students made me. But according to the school I have graduated. There is that little pesky thing of 8 more weeks of class and three more weeks of student teaching, but nothing is taking this smile off my face.
Congrats!!!! that is quite the accomplishment, especially since you worked full-time throughout!! I'm still very impressed. Way to Go!
Hi cute girl! You are amazing! I remember several of those late night chats! Back in the day you were considering law school, but I always knew you were much too sweet to be a lawyer! This seems like the perfect avenue for you. Now you just need to be on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" so you can make the big bucks and be rewarded for your brains!
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