Friday, May 16, 2008

Adventures in Student Teaching Week 14

Oh my gosh, I survived. I made it through without loosing my mind, hating teaching, or wanting to throw myself off a bridge. And you know it was a good week.

We read again this week and there was one point on Monday (or was it Tuesday) that I just said, “I’m done teaching you guys today,” they were being little hellions, and I was ready to scream. So I stopped teaching and they read on their own.

Wednesday I had no desks, they were being used for an AP test and so we had to make due with the floor. It felt like we were having circle time and I was a preschool teacher. The kids seemed to enjoy it, after they got over the fact that they were sitting on the floor. They wanted to go outside and I just laughed, yeah I have a hard enough time making them behave when we are indoors, there was no way I was letting them out.

Thursday, I had nine students. The rest were taking an AP test, so I just smiled told them to read two chapters for next time and then we watched ‘Lady and the Tramp,’ We would have finished it too, if someone hadn’t started an electrical fire. So I shepherd the nine students under my care, out (taking care to stop the dvd- hey they were about to sing ‘He’s a Tramp.’) and we spent an enjoyable 20 minutes outside. I even managed to keep all nine of my darlings together, which if you knew Riley you would understand what a feat this was.

Then there was the last day. I have been all grins today and feel like a huge weight has been lifted. We had a great lesson today, so much discussion and some of the kids blew me away with their comments and insights. I just had to smile. Of course when I was struggling to find the words to tell one class how much teaching them had meant two of them went at each other with a note book, I just chuckled, because that is how the past 14 weeks have been for me.

I know there is still one more week, but as I won’t be teaching anymore it kinda feels like the end. I think we are having a party at some point next week, which could be fun. But I’ve almost made it!!!!

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