Friday, May 2, 2008

Adventures in Student Teaching Week 12

I can't believe time is coming to an end, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is no longer the oncoming train.

You know it is funny, I worried so much about having to balance everything and at times I didn't do as good as a job as I hoped, but I've just about made it through.

This week has been pretty uneventful. My kids have been taking state mandated testing, and though I have rather strong opinions on what they had to take and the questions they had to answer, that is neither here nor there. Though they did throw me for a loop when they finished in one day rather than in the two I had planned. That was fine though, you know me constantly thinking on her feet- I just rearranged our schedule.

Most days I love these kids. They are full of energy and life, they are as smart as whips and they are just fun to be around. Other days I want to throw them out the window. I think that spring is in the air finally and they are going stir crazy. I wish high schools had field days just to let them get some pent up energy out. I almost lost it with one class this week, more because they disappointed me with their behavior than anything else. The snow seemed to have settled them down, but the weather is turning good again, so not quite sure how we will make it through the next 14 school days.

I just know that when the time comes I will miss these guys. I know that next year I get to start again. Me in my own classroom, my own rule, my own procedures but I will miss these students who frustrate the hell out of me but have found a special place in my heart.

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