Saturday, April 19, 2008

Adventures in Student Teaching Week 10

It is well after midnight here, and I am still going strong. I have a boatload of things to get done this weekend and go figure I am feeling overwhelmed. Because of this I took today off. I feel like a total slacker, seeing as I didn't work on Monday, but I have four more weeks until I have a more manageable work schedule, and let's just say this helps stave off the panic attacks just a tad. I can tell the stress that my body is going through, my face has broken out and I look like the 16 year olds I teach. Oh well. Let's talk about fun and exciting things like...

I passed my Praxis test!!!!

That is the last one I have to take, unless I decide at some point next year to be highly qualified to teach Spanish as well. But I am so excited. There was dancing and confetti, then I went back to all the baking I was doing. Thank heavens though that I got that done. I am also getting graduation announcements out this weekend. I can't believe that I am graduating! Still have school for another nine weeks, but this is the end ladies and gents!

What a week. I don't even know where to start. This has been one of the most frustrating weeks that I have ever experienced. I don't know if it is because it is spring or if it was because prom was this weekend, but my students were just out of control. Add that to starting a new unit and a really bad observation and you have a recipe for disaster.

The first two days went well, the students worked on finishing their papers in the computer lab. I was surprised how little discipline I needed in the computer lab. For the most part the students stayed on task, maybe there is some good with this fast pace schedule we are trying to keep that only allows one day in the lab for them to finish the papers, or if there was some other reason, but I was so pleased with their work. The majority of the papers were wonderful. I was so proud of the work that they did and their finished products. I am excited to give them the papers back so they can see their final scores.

After two great days we had a train wreck. I knew that my supervisor was coming either Thursday or Friday and I was excited to present this lesson to the class. We were starting magical realism, which I believe will be a fun unit and I think the kids will enjoy. I started off the lesson on Thursday and it was going really well. The kids were connecting with the ideas and had fun discussing Harry Potter as magical realism. Then we changed gears and started reading a story. I lost them at during the discussion after and no matter what I did I couldn't get them back. I had kids acting up, talking about non-related items, staring off into space and generally not paying attention. Of course that is when Claudia showed up- an hour into class. Finally reaching the end of my rope I told the class to pull out a piece of paper and write on essay on how 'The Falling Girl' is a social commentary. There were mumblings and groans, but they followed instructions.

I was upset by the end of class, and I felt that I had let everyone down, including myself. I left class and cried for about three hours and tried to convince myself that I wasn't a failure and I could get up and face it all again the next day. Of course I did, and Friday went so much better. It amazes me the differences between my classes and what works in one compared to another. I enjoy all my classes but I am learning how I need to tailor my lessons to each one. It has been quite the learning experience.


Marie said...

My mom is a veteran teacher, and she talks about how invariably when she has an observer the classes go less well than usual. I wonder if it's just plain ol' Murphy's Law or the students being sadistic?

Katie said...

I told you you'd pass and not to stress about it. You should really listen to me more often. I can be a very wise person.

Natalie said...

Marie- I think it is. Of course yesterday the principal showed up to observe me and I was in another class. Yeah, one quick way to get a job there.

Katie- I know. Though wise....