I love to travel. I try to get to as many places and see as many things as I can every year. Well for Valentines Day this year I decided that in addition to buying new tires and Doctor Who Season 3 for myself I would book a ticket to see my friend Elisha in West Virginia.
This trip has been planned for quite a while. We had originally planned to go to Tennessee to visit other friends in January, but that didn’t work out for either of us. Figuring I would just save my vacation time for our big road trip in JulyI called it good and went on. Then E hinted that I should come and see her over spring break. She tempted me pointing out it would only cost me a plane ticket. She gently reminded me that in the last year she drove to North Carolina, Orlando, and Boston in order to see me- some of the trips taking over 12 hours. And then pointed out she would have to fly out to Salt Lake for our road trip (making our July trip more expensive for her than me). Armed with this knowledge I put off my resolution to not visit E until she had a baby and told her I would come.
I started watching airfare and two weeks ago found a round trip flight for $252.00. I
almost bought it then. In fact a coworker was sitting there telling me to buy it, but there were some logistics with school I needed to work out so I held off. Today I went to go and buy the ticket only to find out that the dates I wanted to travel no longer had that fare.
I was so disappointed, but determined to go on my trip. I have a nice tax refund coming and as E had mentioned this trip was only costing me my airfare. So I searched and searched. Finally finding a trip for $382.00 from American Airlines. I booked it, printed off the confirmation, told E I was coming, posted to my LJ about it- and then looked at the confirmation. I had booked tickets for February 29th returning March 7th. Not the March 21-25th dates I thought I had.
I almost threw up right then. Quickly I was on the phone with American Airlines and the lady laughed with me as we worked to change the flight. Only to find out it was going to cost $430.00!!!! I had them cancel the reservation, which I was able to do with no penalty as the ticket
hadn’t been issued yet. So that cancelled I started scouring the internet again.
The cheapest flight I could find was a round trip on Delta for $410.00- funny thing it is nonstop and really decent flying times. So I booked that, after having coworker check it and make sure I had the right dates.
So E I am coming, and I am really glad the rest of my stay is free!
I've booked the wrong dates for a flight too - What a pain! Glad you got it figured out. Have a lovely time in West Virginia. But if you hear a banjo playing ala "Deliverance" . . . run for your life!
Hey now, you're making it sound like I badgered you into it. I did no such thing! I merely said, albeit repeatedly, that I would love it if you would come to visit me, and that you are welcome to stay with me any time, and I stand by those remarks.
Sorry to hear you had such a pain with the tickets though. Maybe I should buy my ticket for July now. If I did that though, with my luck, prices would go down by a few hundred bucks.
Now not badgering. I here publicly declare that E did not badger me and I had looked at airfare to visit her every time that I was booking other flights.
Check travelocity for that deal of the day thing. There are a lot at 252.
again E did not badger me. She was kind enough to offer me her home and knew that I would need a break.
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