Friday, February 22, 2008

Adventures in Student Teaching- weeks 1 and 2

I am starting a weekly post called “Adventures in Student Teaching” look for a new installment every Friday afternoon….

So here are some valued truths I have learned in the last two weeks-

1- No matter how hard you try, you cannot keep the Bingo beans off the floor.

2- “Great Gatsby Pictionary” is a great way to feel wanted. Everyone wants you on their team...before they know your drawing capabilities.

3- Be ready to chuck all the lesson plans out the window.

4- Cheerleaders are the same today as they were ten years ago

5- No matter how many times you tell them students still don’t understand that the teacher downstairs with the same last name, and who looks just like you is your mother.

6- Even though they cant grasp the concept of number 5 they do understand that Zach is your brother

7- The teacher look, you know the one over the glasses, really does work.

8- What you teach first period will change by second period, and you final period of the day will get some thing completely different.

9- Quizzes are not healthy for students or teachers

10- The kids actually do understand- they just pretend not to.

11- The moment when someone just gets it- priceless

12- Knowing about Harry Potter, and understanding what people say when they say they ship Snarry will bring you up a few notches.

13- Kids will always choose extra credit over candy

14- If you say it enough times, they might understand the difference assonance, consonance , and alliteration.

15- Remember to explain about things like Tonya Harding, when she in mentioned in an article- they don’t remember that skating scandal ever happening.

16- Sometimes using popsicle sticks with names on them is the only way to get them to participate.

17- You will lose your voice.

18- It is okay to cry.

19- It’s okay to say, “I don’t know”

20- It’s okay to say “Because I’m the teacher and that is what we are doing. So shut up, listen, and maybe you will learn something.”

So yeah- more adventures I am sure next week. Maybe actual stories. Like Nui, the kid who hasn’t come in a month but I’ve gotten there two days in a row now. Or the group of kids who call me Miss Natalie just to make me roll my eyes…or how I am teaching kids I baby sat many, many years ago…

1 comment:

Natasha Woods said...

Hey Natalie, I ran across your blog trying to see if mine could be googled. For some odd reason last night I decided I would blog about my up coming student teaching experience and maybe help out someone in the future. To be honest I don't have the tiniest clue about blogging with the exception of reading them. So this will be an adventure all in itself. Anyways, I just wanted to say I love your blog so far. I decided that even though a year has gone by I'll only read one posting a week at a time, corresponding to my weeks of student teaching. Chao for now and I'll talk to you in a few weeks.