Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Thank you for that display of geek bravado

So it is not a big secret that I am a nerd. I can happily converse on English literature, history, politics, or just about any other nerdy subject. I can rattle off how many electoral votes that each state has, I can rattle of the names of the Supreme Court judges, and I can tell you when a book was published. I have the classes, I spend time in the library, and I enjoy watching things like Masterpiece theater. I am a nerd through and through, and proud of it.

There is one thing though, one thing that I always try to ignore or hide. I am a geek. Yes, it is a sad truth. I am sure most of you already knew that, but it is something that I have only admitted to myself recently.

My geekiness has come out here and there over the past few years. I have a "Bartlett for America" t-shirt which I love, I have a Hufflepuff Head Girls badge, I have an HP scarf, a Time Turner, and a shirt proudly bearing the name 'The Weird Sisters'. I also wouldn't mind getting a lovely Doctor Who poster.

This past week I have been a bigger geek than usual.

I am a huge Doctor Who fan (the new series, I don't think I could stomach the old series) and I was so excited when series 1 and 2 arrived on my doorstep Thursday night.

Now being the geek I am, I started watching series 1 Friday night, only I was watching the episodes with commentary. I had just finished watching the first series the week before, so it wasn't that I hadn't seen them recently (or quote them daily) but I just had to watch them with commentary. And of course I had to watch the five hours of special features- remember geek.

Well Sunday morning I put on the last DVD and in 'Boom Town' it all of a sudden skipped. I was a tad upset because it was at my favorite part (the Doctor, Rose, and Jack are getting all geeky together and Mickey just stands there shaking his head?) But the rest of the episode was fine. So I put a note on the back burner to call WB about it.

Then I was watching 'Parting of the Ways', the series final, and right at THE moment THE CLIMAX (For all of those who have seen it is when Rose has comes back and the Doctor has to get the Time Vortex out of her) It freaking skips again!!!! I am not pleased.

I might have been yelling at the TV (please remember I just saw this episode the week before and have seen it at least 6 times). Any other part of the episode I might have been okay, but not then.

Eventually, I calmed down and emailed WB about how to get a replacement. Then went about my day.

Then that night I started series two with my parents (I also taught my niece the following words: TARDIS, space ship, Doctor, Rose, Time Vortex). The start of series 2 is my all time favorite episode. I could watch 'Christmas Invasion' over and over again. In fact we had just watched it at Christmas, mom wasn't keen on watching it again, but we made her. Yes, I can quote most of, but the gags never get old and it never fails to make me smile.

Monday my friend Heather and I chatted about different Who slogans that we could have when we participate in the Komen 3-day cancer walk this fall *insert shameless begging for a donation here* And we came up with so many that we might have to order two or three.

Today to compound my geekiness I downloaded the Doctor Who series three soundtrack from iTunes.

So yes, this is me finally admitting that I am a geek-and you know what, I am proud to be one.


phoenyx said...

*feels vindicated*

Natalie said...

I thought you would. I should have said that this post was for you.

Elisha said...

I love geeky!Nat. :D