Yes, I’m doing it again - I signed up for the Breast Cancer 3-Day! I had such an incredible experience doing the 3-Day in Atlanta last year that I’m going to Cleavland, this year, for more. I’m so excited about this event, even though this year I really know what I’ve gotten myself into.
Just in case you missed my account of last year’s walk, here is the link to my 3 day story - I hope you’ll take a few minutes to read through it to see why I’m going to be asking you for money with this post. This event isn’t easy, but I promise you, I wouldn’t be doing it if I didn’t believe 100% that it was worth every muscle ache, weary night, and training walk.
Last year you helped me meet my fund raising goal, I need your help again. My goal is to get 100 people to donate at least $23.00. If you are willing to donate more, I won't say no, if you cannot donate $23.00 all at once, that is fine too. Spread it across the time that you need to. All donations are tax deductible!
For every $23.00 that you donate please give me a name to walk for; I will be carrying these names on pink ribbons throughout the walk.
If you have any questions or want to hear more about what I’m doing let me know, I love talking about the event. Thanks for all of your support. I’m incredibly lucky to have people like you in my life!
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