Hey everyone.
Over the next 20 weeks you are going to hear more about my 3 Day 60 mile adventure. I am well into training, have developed my first blister, and am playing cheerleader to our little FBG team. It has already been an amazing experience so far and I am learning so much about myself and about a disease that impacts so many families across the world.
So far I have raised $1,347.90 of the $2,200 that I need to have raised by the first walk date. In order to help earn the last $852.10 that I need for the 3 Day cancer walk I am going to be doing a raffle/bake sale/fund raiser and I am hoping you all can help.
During the next few months I am putting my talents to good use as I make the made dash for the fund raising finish line and I need your help!
I am going to be selling pink ribbon sugar cookies for $10.00 a dozen
2 knitted dish rags 2 for $15.00- these little babies are great for cleaning dishes or counters. They are strong and hold up brilliantly. If you let me know what colors you use in the kitchen, I will even match those.
In addition I am going to raffle off a baby sweater and a queen size quilt.
Numbers for the baby sweater can be purchased for $5.00 each or 3 numbers for $10.00.
With the baby sweater the winner will be able to choose what color they would like.
Numbers for the queen size quilt can be purchased for $10.00 or 3 numbers for $25.00.
Also, with every $5.00 donation I am offering to carry a 'walk with me ribbon.' This ribbon is a pink ribbon that you can write a name or a message on. I will be carrying these ribbons with me to Atlanta and they will walk every step of my 60 mile journey with me.
To participate in the raffle or fund raiser go and make your donation at my Komen site.
Then leave a comment here, letting me know which item your purchased or bought a number for. If you bought a number I will reply with the number in a return post.
The raffle ends on August 15th and the raffle items will either be delivered or shipped by September 30th.
Cookies and dish rags will be shipped every two weeks.
Please pass this message on to anyone you think might be able to help. To coworkers, family, or friends who might have known someone who has fought this disease. I am leaving this entry public so it will be easy to find. Every dollar raised is going to the Komen Cancer foundation who is making great strides in research and education on breast cancer.
Please know I don't ask this lightly. I don't wish to offend anyone but I have strong feelings about this disease. It has always been part of my life and I want to do my part to see that no other child has to worry about their mom, grandma, aunt, or sister suffering this disease. I know that with your help, and working together we can create miracles- so please help me create this miracle.
Can I just send you a check and have you pay Komen for me? I know the site is secure, but I'm paranoid about giving out my credit card info these days. I'm good for $20 (all on the baby sweater raffle).
There is a form on the website that you can send to Komen with a check. Or you can send it to me- either one.
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