Monday, June 30, 2008

Guess what- I have friends.

Well, I packed my friend Erin off this morning and then collapsed on the couch and took a four hour nap. I could go back to sleep now, but my brain keeps telling me I have too much to do. I am blaming it all on the codeine and the fever.

But to prove that we did have a good weekend, despite my rather nasty cold, I now present Pic Spam!

On Saturday we went to Park City and walked around historic main street. We then took the ski lift on a little jaunt up a mountain. It was gorgeous.

See, ski lifts make people happy!

We got some nice sun too.

We also spent some time at the Utah Art's Festival.

Then Sunday we went to Temple Square and explored the rest of Downtown. I didn't have much of a voice, but still managed to give her a tour.

Then it was home for Who and Sunday Dinner with the fam

Hanging out on the couch

Look, Hilary joined us. Doesn't she look good for being 8 months pregnant?

Now for some cute baby spam

Yes, the four month old Boston is almost as big as the four year old Lu.

1 comment:

Amy's blog said...

Those Pics of Lu & B are unbelievably cute! Lu looks so pretty in these, and there's no denying that Boston is going to be a little hottie!