Let me just start this out saying that this was one of the best trips of my life. I loved it all, except Paris. I hated Paris. I had so much fun. I saw things I had read and studied since I was a little girl. It was just overwhelming and there were a few times that I just cried a little. I came home less stressed and just happy. It was just what I needed.
So below the cut are pictures and stories. I probably will have to spread this across a few posts, as though I only uploaded a few of the pictures from my trip imagine what a few of 800 are. There will probably be a few more when Nancy (my traveling partner) sends me her pics. So just be prepared.
We started off our trip in London, in fact after a horrible trip to JFK we ended up sitting on the tarmac at JFK for two hours and we made friends while we waited and flirted a bit. By the time we got into London it was late and we ended up having to take a cab from the airport, as there was a tube strike going on, 90 Pounds later we got to the hotel but were wide awake so we took a midnight walk.

Me with my first passport stamp.
The next day we went out and due to a tube strike we ended up seeing much more of London than we would have ever. I meet up with Rachel and her friend. It was a ton of fun exploring

We took so many touristy pictures. But that is half the fun, right?

We didn't get to see this but I was so happy to find the Mamma Mia theater!

My friend Nancy and I. She was a great we had so much fun together. We also met up with Nimah who is a doll. It was so fun to meet someone who I have "known" for five years. The rest of the time in London we saw everything we possible could. Took night bus tours, boat tours, toured everything that we could. Sampled the food. Fell in love with Percy Pigs, Thornton's toffee, and Thornton's chocolate. It was fantastic. So here are more pictures with commentary about each one.

At Kensington Palace. This was particularly fun as on the way home I watched Young Victoria, part of which had been filmed here.

More of Kensington. The gardens are gorgeous there. And everything is so green. To a girl from the desert of Utah that was awesome.

Harrods a great shopping adventure. That place was huge.

Making a brass rubbing- people started taking pictures of us it was sort of odd.

We went to go and see the changing of the guard, actually we left before the actually ceremony, there were too many people. But we did get a few pictures before then.

Buckbeakbabie suggested that we go and see Wicked, it was fantastic and we had such great seats. It was just a great show and there was no one choking on a cough drop at the climax of the show.

Nimah told me where I could find a police box and I had to make sure that I visited it in all my geekiness.

Westminster Abbey, we didn't get to go in as it was closed but the outside was gorgeous.

I was ennamored with Big Ben. I took so many flippin' pictures of that clock tower. I leave you with one.

I am still trying to decide if I liked this or not. It really is a bit of an eyesore, but It made a cool picture.Plus, as my dad reminded me it is just a big alien transmitter anyway.

Yes, I got excited at this...maybe a bit too excited.

Nance and I at the Prime Meridian. That was actually really cool.

Visiting the Tower of London. I really liked this it wasn't at all how I ever imagined it and I was able to be a tour guide for Nancy explaining all the crazy history that I have learned and have bottled up in my mind. It was awesome.

People actually live in the tower. I didn't know that before.

Crossing the Wibbley Wobbely Bridge.

St. Paul's Cathedral. It was gorgeous and we had gorgeous weather.

We also went and saw Billy Elliot, it was pretty good but I wished we had gotten to see Lion King.

Visiting Buckingham Palace--after the changing of the guard.

Enjoying afternoon tea at noon. They kinda looked at us funny when we asked for it that early but they served it anyway. It was delicious. I loved the scones. oh and the tea was fantastic. Why don't we have tea like that here.

At the Globe. we stood right next to the stage and got to wear the funny paper hats they provided. Someone tried to make us move and Nancy went all evil American on them and they backed down. It was great but the part where the girl fainted next to me was slightly odd.

We visited Richmond and walked around the Park and to Kew Gardens. part of the way there (it was a seven mile walk) I got a popsicle that was passion fruit. it was fabulous but here's the thing- I am allergic to passion fruit. So there was a little scary moment there but I turned out to be okay. We ended up walking to Kew Gardens, which was gorgeous.

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