So Tadly, you asked for it- here it is.
David Tennant, the man that is proudly displayed on my desk top at work, on the wall above my desk with Billie Piper in my Who poster, and the man who is displayed next to Brian Vaughn on my Shakespeare wall as Hamlet- and that just is at school. You don't want to know what sits near my desk at home. Oh there is so much I could say about my pretend boyfriend (yes Jenn he belongs to Heather and me and one day we will have the t-shirts to prove it). In fact even as I type this I am watching David and he is about "two minutes to Belgium."
Now I have been wearing black for about a month now, mourning DT's departure from Who after the 2009 Christmas special. In fact I get all teary just thinking about it. I cry at the gym reading my Who magazine while jogging. I got my season 4 Who DVDs on Monday and squealed, called Heather and squealed, danced around the kitchen and squealed, took it to my parents and squealed, emailed Heather and squealed; yet I couldn't bring myself to watch the season, because I know how it ends and I still am in therapy to come to terms with Donna's fate, until right now. But like the nerd I am I will watch all the episodes, all the extras, and then I will go back and watch all the episodes again with commentary- BEFORE I loan this season out.
Enough about David, Tad? How about I move on to NaNoWriMo.
Yes, I didn't even attempt it this year. Somehow I knew it wouldn't work out.
Oh random side note as I watch David Tennant's video diary- he is adorable. Really, the man just makes me laugh.
Okay back to NaNo. We still have the site and it is all going well, and I am still writing so life is good.
Okay now for politics.
I refuse comment at this time as comments on my other blog have lead to grief and got me into trouble. But I love that we still have three races which we don't know outcomes, and I am very interested to see how the next few years go- I am trying to be hopeful. Really I am.
*pauses for another DT Moment, cause really he is just ....yeah*
Okay so Tad, you asked who is writing this blog. Well it is an overworked, overwhelmed school teacher who is still head over heels in love with Doctor Who and who should go back to grading papers...well and watching David and I have to say, that man looks really good in a tux.