The thing is, I am not sure how I feel about it now. It was a brilliant episode and I wish I had an ounce of the writers creativity. The way that he weaves stories and hints given two or three years ago is amazing. I also loved that even though there were so many favorites back I didn't feel that it was too much. It was clever and campy, angsty, light hearted, and just fun. In fact I was pleased with it over all. But there are some things that still don't sit right with me. Yes, I know it was just a TV show, but I am an English major and if we do anything well it is analyze things. So here we go-
Things I liked about the episode.
1- Jackie had a big freaking gun! I don't think words can express how much I loved that moment. I mean she had a gun and shot down a Dalek, you go Jackie Tyler.
2- The Jack/Mickey reunion. That had me laughing for ages. I had missed Mickey, I have a bit of love for the kid that is totally unexplainable.
3- Shirtless Ten followed by t-shirt clad ten. Yes, sometimes I am shameless.
4- Doctor!Donna. I have loved Donna all season long for reasons I really should see a therapist for, but she kicked some major behind in this episode.
5- The call out to 'The Unquiet Dead' I have been waiting for someone to say that Gwen was the same person, and I know that they couldn't get it until the Doctor met her, but it was still great to have.
6- The blue suit of Death is now in another universe and we won't have to see it again. Of course I hope the first thing Rose did when they got back to London was burn that thing.
7- The hand holding. I loved the hand holding. It was perfect and something I missed. They never had to say anything, just hold each other's hand.
Now for where I struggled and why I can't decide if I liked the ending or not.
1- Rose and that dang beach- ever since I saw the pictures that they were back on that beach I knew no good could come from it. I mean come on, I knew that Rose wouldnt be coming back with the Doctor. But I am not sure if I am supposed to be happy for her and what she got or if I am supposed to feel bad for her. Right now I am angry at the Doctor because he left her. Yes, I get the whole she choose bluesuit!Doctor (again, can we please burn that thing) but the Doctor should have said goodbye. He owed her that. He had taken away her choice once more and the least he could do was give her a goodbye. Instead he walks away, again.
2- Donna. You know, this is cruel of me, but I wish she had died. Donna had evolved so much as a character and as a person. I hated to see her go back to what she was in 'Runaway Bride' she knew what would happen if he didn't take the memories. She knew what was going on and she made a choice. He took that choice from her and I kinda hate him for that. I understand why he did, but it wasnt his choice. She didn't want to go back to the person she was before she met him, she knew the difference, she saw that. She chose to die the woman she was then go back to the incomplete life that she had before. Did he care what she wanted? Nope, it was all about him. Just like he strip the choice away from Rose he took it from Donna too. Sometimes I really hate him.
3- No Jack/Rose reunion. I mean come on. I have been waiting for this one forever and to be honest I anticipated it more than the Doctor/Rose reunion (again D/R could only end in heartbreak). And what do I get-nothing. Mickey, who met him once, got more of a reunion than Rose did.
So yeah, I am left trying to figure out if I like the episode or not. I wasn't expecting a happy ending, and the fact that Rose got her own Doctor was the happiest ending we were getting, and I'd prefer that than having Rose dead or having him lose her again in the future, but I am walking away with a bittersweet taste in my mouth, and just a tad bit heartbroken for everyone.
Well, it is only five months till the next episode- wonder if it is too early to make a count down?
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