Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I hate starting these things

I never planned on having a blog. In fact I went out of my way to avoid it. I have nothing to interesting to say and I already have a Live Journal. But I had friends who started to complain that they couldn't read my LJ but still wanted to know the juicy details of my life-so here we are. Welcome to the slightly insane ramblings of a graduate student, who is a fangirl (of way to many things) and who is searching for peace, love, and the 24" waist.


phoenyx said...

The 24" waist is a myth.

The cake is a lie.

I'm glad you made a blog for the rest of us.


Natalie said...

You're welcome. You are still getting blamed for this.

Marie said...

HOO-ray! I knew that suck-suck-suck of the blogspot would eventually get you...

Natalie said...

Well, I was so intimidated by you and your totally awesome blog. But the pressure was finally too much.

phoenyx said...

Well, I guess I did have a 24" waist in middle school.

Also, you look a lot different in your picture than you do in your youtube videos ( I'm glad you aren't having panic attacks anymore.

Mom B said...

I knew I "birthed" a wonderful child.
Love and Kisses

Mom B said...

I knew I "birthed" a wonderful first child!!!
Love and Kisses