Once again I have taken on an incredible challenge. On July 31-August 2, I’ll be walking 60 miles over the course of three days and camping out at night with thousands of other women and men taking this journey with me.
It’s for an event called the Breast Cancer 3-Day, which benefits Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund. They are working hard to build a future without breast cancer, and I plan on raising $2,300 to help bring the world closer to that goal.
Without a cure, an estimated 5 million Americans will be diagnosed with breast cancer - and more than 1 million could die - over the next 25 years. That’s a pretty startling statistic. No one should have to face this disease, so in order to create a future without breast cancer, I walk in the Breast Cancer 3-Day.
I have set out a rather large goal for fundraising in the next six-weeks. By the time that I head to England, June 8th, I want to have raised $1700. This is a lofty goal, but I know with your help I can do it.
I know many of you donated last year, and I thank you for that. The Atlanta walk was a success. With your help the walkers were able to raise, 8.2 million dollars.
In order to reach my goal this year I am asking 100 people to donate $23.00. If you are unable to donate that much, please consider a partial donation. If you are able to donate more…well, I won’t say no.
I truly believe that with all our help a cure is in sight. If you are willing to donate please follow this link: